The following guide helps create the UI/UX seen below:
The code for the above can be seen in the Musify Spotify clone, on the search screen.
Tiling provides data as a continuous stream, so search can be easily implemented without losing items that were previously fetched by debouncing as the queries change.
Consider a paginated API that allows that allows for filtering results that matches a query:
private const val LIMIT = 20
* A query for tracks at a certain offset matching a query
data class TracksQuery(
val matching: String,
val offset: Int,
val limit: Int = LIMIT,
interface TracksRepository {
suspend fun tracksFor(query: TracksQuery): List<Track>
Tracks can be fetched by:
- Debouncing the query to account for user typing
- Debouncing the output when the output
is empty or doesn't have all the requested pages available to allow for item add/remove/move animations.
fun tiledTracks(
startQuery: TracksQuery,
queries: Flow<TracksQuery>,
repository: TracksRepository,
): Flow<TiledList<TracksQuery, Track>> =
queries.debounce {
// Don't debounce the if its the first character or more is being loaded
if (it.matching.length < 2 || it.offset != startQuery.offset) 0
// Debounce for key input
else 300
PivotRequest<TracksQuery, TrackItem>(
onCount = 5,
offCount = 4,
comparator = compareBy(TrackQuery::offset),
nextQuery = {
copy(offset = offset + limit)
previousQuery = {
if (offset == 0) null
else copy(offset = offset - limit)
order = Tile.Order.PivotSorted(
query = startQuery,
comparator = compareBy(TrackQuery::offset)
limiter = Tile.Limiter(
maxQueries = 3
fetcher = { query ->
flow { emit(repository.tracksFor(query)) }
.debounce { tiledItems ->
// If empty, or has a few pages of data the search query might have just changed.
// Allow items to be fetched for item position animations
if (tiledItems.isEmpty() || tiledItems.tileCount < 3) 350L
else 0L